For 2025 Messiah, sign up link for singers and orchestra is here.

Our fantastic Handel community and conductor

Ginger Wyrick were featured in World Magazine.

Follow the link to the magazine here, and find

the article on pg. 46!

Charlotte Music Club Community Chorus

Thank you for your interest in singing with the CMC Community Chorus. Once a year, we gather together to perform Handel’s Messiah. The chorus is comprised of 50+ volunteer singers from all professions ranging from high school students to retirees. While it is free to join the choir, donations are always greatly appreciated. See donation page here for more details.


Rehearsals are held at First United Methodist Church, 501 N. Tryon Street.

The parking garage entrance is at 163 W 9th Street.

Parking is free

Rehearsals are held in the church sanctuary on the following Sunday afternoons from 2pm to 3:30pm:

November 2

November 9

November 16

November 23

November 30

Dress Rehearsal will be held on Saturday, December 13 from 9am-1pm

Performance will be Sunday, December 14 at 3pm

Practice tracks for all of the vocal parts can be found here:

Handel Messiah Midi Practice Files for Choirs (


  1. Score by instrument including SATB can be found here for purchase.

  2. Piano reduction can be found here.

  3. Scores will be available for purchase at the first rehearsal.

Choir Robes

Singers wear choir robes for the performance. CMC has limited robes available to borrow. You may bring your own robe or if you wish to purchase your own robe please click here.